Tuesday 16 December 2014

The covers start to come off ...

The south side of the building, facing the row of terraces, has had the scaffolding removed, and it gives us a much better indication of what the building 'macro' design will look like.

And something else I noticed - the crane has gone. Maybe all the really heavy lifting is completed.

What do you think? Looks pretty sleek to me.

This photograph is taken from the driveway on the western side of the building, looking at the four-storey section. Windows and other parts are not completed, and of course, the rest of HM is not this far advanced, but it's a shiny start.

This is taken from the other side, the eastern side at Jones Lane, looking down the driveway on the southern end.

This building will not disappear into the background like so many anonymous city apartment blocks.


  1. Thank you so much for posting the new pictures Elana! Looks great to me :-) we will go to check it out over the weekend!

  2. Thanks, Elena. Would be interested in any update. E

  3. Hi Elana, do you think it's some sort of film covers on the walls or will the walls stay like this?

  4. Just a small update from the developer: completion is still on track for June 2015, however best to plan for July just in case, and all flooring materials (timber and carpets) have been ordered and are on the way here from overseas. All electricals have been wired in already as well.

  5. Hi Elena, thanks for the update. On your question, I assume you mean the external walls. I don't think there is some type of film cover, it looks like metal sheeting. I don't know if this will be the finish on the rest of the building or just this side - it doesn't look like the finish in the model on my blog.
