Monday, 23 November 2015

Wheels turning slowly ...

Spoke to Jason today. I told him that Christmas and New Year bring extra urgency, with critical times when people have leases expiring and family plans in place. He assured me he is doing all he can.

Last week, he had sent me this note:

"At the moment we are addressing a requisition from the Land Titles Office concerning the heritage grain shed that overhangs railcorp land. The requisition requests us to register an easement over the Railcorp land, but Railcorp have indicated they are not inclined to support an easement as it is not consistent with their policies. The parties since the begining have proceeded with a licence agreement for this. The matter is currently with Railcorp legal. I am waiting for a formal written response from Railcorp before approaching the Registrar of the Land Titles Office to resolve this issue. There are a few other issues we are dealing with in conjunction with this. I would hope to be in front of the registrar early next week to argue the point, but need to have the Railcorp formal response before doing so."

So there had been a standoff between the LTO and Railcorp relating to the grain shed, but today, LTO relaxed its position and he feels Railcorp will accept a compromise when he puts it to them tomorrow. He said it would be counterproductive if any owners became involved and tried to pressure a government official. If this goes OK, then he would have Railcorp sign off by the end of the week.

He also hopes for the Occupancy Certificate by the end of the week, at which time he hopes to write to owners with new dates. The final 'certifier' is an independent person who signifies everything is ready. He would then take this to the LTO who might sign off in a few days.

So with a bit of luck, it will go like this:

By 27 November, Railcorp signs off.
By 4 December, LTO signs off.
A few days for everything else, ready to settle around 8-10 December. 

But Jason was making no promises. I almost pleaded with him to let everyone know we are all desperate to be in before Christmas. 

I'm not familiar with all these processes so I may not have described this totally accurately, but what matters most is the end date.


  1. Thank you, Elana and Graham, for speaking with Jason in such a detailed manner to get as much info as possible. It is a relief that the grain shed has not turned into a disaster requiring us lobby Railcorp. However, the timing has moved so far into the Christmas end that I have no words... If Jason says 2 weeks from now, this is likely to be 3 weeks. I do hope we will be lucky and settle by 10 Dec. "Pray for Harbour Mill".

  2. Hi all

    Go to Plus7 and watch Australia's Best Houses from Sunday 22 November 15 to see a 5 minute segment on our new building and interviews with the builder Edward Doueihi it looks great.


    1. Thanks Brad for letting others know! Interesting watch, especially the plumbing photos.

  3. Hi Brad, thanks for pointing to that fascinating Plus7 segment, many good insights into the building, especially worries that the old mill wall would fall during construction and the professionalism of Ceerose. G

  4. Thanks Brad - watching this video we now know we could have been in much more trouble had that wall collapsed. An unrelated question: has anyone received the list of defects following the inspections? I was told by our CBRE agent that the list, which I signed, would be emailed to me. Have not received anything yet.

  5. Elena: our sales rep told us to literally 'photocopy' it on the spot. (i.e. take a camera photo copy of it of haha)

    I haven't heard much info at all from the CBRE sales rep. Overall I'm not too happy with their non existent after sales service...

  6. Hi Elena & Reed, we received our draft defects list from Darren Booth (CBRE) via email, we added a few additional items and then sent the final list back to Darren to forward onto Ceerose. Thanks Brad

    1. Darren sent ours through on the same day too.

    2. Hi George I think we are neighbours, we have bought 1003. Look forward to meeting in the near future (hopefully). Brad

  7. Thanks guys, will follow up on out list with our agent Anabelle Nader.
