Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Good news on Jones Lane vacant land

Received this note from Sailesh, our strata manager. This is good news, as once the builders stopped parking on the vacant land, it could have turned into a mess. I believe once the fence is up, the area will then be landscaped.

Hi Graham

Some very good news in relation to the strip of land next to Jones Lane Pyrmont, which is subject to illegal campers and free parking.

80 Fig Street, which is managed by one of my colleague at Netstrata, who had been in constant touch with Road and Maritime Services, have confirmed that police have been contacted and attended to the site to speak to the illegal campers.

Ventia Boral Amey Joint Venture, on behalf of Roads and Maritime Services, will be responsible for the litter removal around the site and it is planned to do a full clean-up of the site including removing abandoned vehicles and litter pickup when the fencing is installed.

Sailesh Shakya


  1. Great news. This makes the walk through to Harris St, Pyrmont and city much nicer. I hope the illegal campers will find somewhere else to camp...

  2. I suspect no-one's solicitor has received a copy of the occupancy certificate yesterday? One more expected deadline missed. I am losing hope of moving in before Christmas, all this is becoming absolutely absurd.

  3. Hang in there Elena! Rang LPI yesterday and the SP has been re-lodged.

  4. Elena, I'll speak to Jason again on Monday - don't give up hope. There's only one security guard at night. I'll hold him down while you quietly move in. They'll never know until you put up your red and yellow window blinds and enclose your balcony!

  5. Elena, I'll speak to Jason again on Monday - don't give up hope. There's only one security guard at night. I'll hold him down while you quietly move in. They'll never know until you put up your red and yellow window blinds and enclose your balcony!

    1. Can you hold him down long enough so we can move in too, Graham! Son got married in Paris about six weeks ok (he lives there now), He and his new bride are coming here mid Dec (to have a break from everything thats happened over there) and as my wife and I were the only ones (from Australia) who could attend the paris wedding, we have a planned family get together on our unit's rooftop (we won't be too noisey or late Brad) so i hope some news comes through soon. Jason advised me he is hoping to send something out with updated dates on Monday. I'll keep the red and yellow curtains packed away.

    2. Hi George, sounds like a great family event, let's hope it happens. Even if no red, white and blue French blinds, maybe a flag or two to go with the pate and baguette.

  6. Yep absurd. Thank you for great plan Graham! Can't wait to enclose my balcony! Before Christmas too!

  7. Hi Graham thanks for continuously chasing Jason on all our behalf, we are all hoping to be in by Xmas - we were hoping for a New Years eve gathering to view the fireworks - fingers still crossed it can still happen. Brad

  8. I hope the fact that the SP has been re-lodged means Ceerose managed to get the signature from RailCorp, amend the SP and re-lodge! Thanks Mario for this news. Can't wait 'til Monday - Graham, thank you for speaking with Jason on behalf of all of us. Yellow and red blinds for the living room and have packed bright pink for the bedroom. Fingers crossed, while patience is running very very low by now...

  9. Has anyone heard about whether their defects have been fixed yet?

  10. Hi George,
    We have receivedbour list of defects, however, CBRE did not comment as to whether these have been fixed or at all accepted as defects. I will follow up now.
