Sunday, 9 August 2015

Update on completion ... until it changes

Thanks to all the people who contributed to the last post. An interesting discussion.

Let's start with a good photograph. The roof garden area on the lower building is looking terrific, capturing the morning sun from the east.

We spoke to Ceerose today and they said:

1. At the moment, inspections are still expected by the end of August (maybe start of September) with completion end of September. However, it's difficult to be definitive because so many agencies such as council, rail and road are involved given the unique location. Each has to provide a completion certificate and can hold things up.

2. One of the comments in the last blog suggested the Jones Street road would be widened by narrowing the footpath. Ceerose did not know anything about this, so it sounds unlikely. As the following photograph shows, while the footpath is indeed very wide, a narrowing would require the trees and posts to be removed.

3. The other comment about the need to install drainage pipes is correct, and a heap of pipes have been delivered to the site and pipework has started at the front (Jones Street) side. All the concrete has been dug up here. The external lift remains shrouded in plastic.  

4. Finally the comment about people using Jones Street and HM to deliver children to the school - the school is no longer being built below HM. But I guess it's possible people might use Jones Street to drop passengers at the light rail - let's hope this does not become common.

So, folks, some way to go but Ceerose is doing all it can. 


  1. Thanks Elana, very informative as usual. Dont give up on the idea that the footpath will be narrowed, in Glebe (syd council) they make the spots in between the trees with some landscaping. Surprising Ceerose doesn't know whats happening. Wife spoke to council (checking on the contamination issue) and was told the widening of the street was in the development consent but I guess it could have changed. It's really the only workable solution, that would make Jones st two ways and the council would have had to have this worked out before the project went ahead but we will see. The coming down the lane and going through our site makes for a nightmare insurance wise so I can't see that happening unless the council sacrifice the last housing commision home but that might cause bad publicity, it won't be long and we'll find out.

  2. saw the marks on jones at, looks like they investigated how to narrow the footpath. It's not so hard to move around the tree but what about the electricity pole - which connect to all the houses in Jone st, not sure if they could do this.
    Also people park their car under the bridge btw jone st and Jone ln, what a mess, ranger never book them

  3. I had a sneak peak last night and walked around (snuck into the complex after hours). The first thing that jumps out at me is the grandness of the lobby and the emphasis on open-air and space. The atrium between the bottom floors works well and the auto-sensor lights work well.

    However, I have to say there is lots to go before completion. I would be surprised if settlement occurs anytime before October!

  4. Hi Nathan, I asked the foreman at HM some time ago about all the parking under the bridge. He said they are allowing workers to park there, but once the building is completed, the developer has to pay for the entire area to be landscaped. So you're right, they seem to allow anyone to park there, but I hope it's fixed after we move in. We'll need to work to keep this area tidy I expect.

  5. Hi Jono,
    Wow, that's amazing you went inside. Do you have any pictures by any chance? What is your view on the amont of work to be done - one more month? Two months? We should remember that, post completion, there is also a period of time required for all approvals (council, rms etc.) before the occupancy certificate is issued and then we can do inspections... We were there yesterday too. It seems to me there is anoher month of work, unless the pace accelerates by brining more resources in. It is hard to see how inspections can be end of August/early September...

  6. Hi Elena,

    No photos unfortunately! There is still a fair bit to go until the building is completed. If completion means all fit-out + shared areas - I would think October for completion is not out of the question

  7. Thanks Jono. While we are all so keen to move in to HM as quickly as possible, we have to be realistic. It sounds to me like November settlement, but let's see!

  8. thanks for all the updates. Can someone tell me, is the school in or out of current plans?
