Monday, 25 May 2015

Fish Markets and Bays Precinct developments

Harbour Mill will be the centre of the action over coming years, sandwiched between major changes in Darling Harbour, the Fish Markets and Bays Precinct, and the building of a new school on the council depot site.

These developments are welcome and good for the location, but the most uncertain is the Bays Precinct. Governments find it hard to resist powerful developers who make significant variations after the initial plans are approved. At Barangaroo, for example, the casino building is now an incredible 70 storeys (double the highest building in Barangaroo South) and floor space has doubled since the overall scheme was first approved. Let's hope access to the waterfront is not compromised.

So what will happen even closer to HM in the Bays Precinct? The site next to the Fish Markets, in the direction of Anzac Bridge, has been bought by a Chinese developer, Jin Huiming of Duhua, who also owns 25% of the Fish Markets. This deals him into the development big time, and clearly he will want to build a tall apartment block in this location.

As this graphic below shows, there's still considerable support to retain the Fish Market, so it would be a surprise and disappointment if that was not part of any redevelopment.

Apartments will pay for the public space and community facilities, so we'll become familiar with sights like this (in fact, we already have at Jackson's Landing):

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