Monday, 9 February 2015

Wardrobe, balcony and big Darling Harbour buildings

Lots of activity inside and out. This photograph of the south-west corner shows the balustrade for the balconies, and a glimpse of a couple of wardrobes. From the outside, the building has not changed in the last couple of months but the internal fit out obviously takes time.

Just for the record, this is the western side today, 9 February. Although it's difficult to be sure, it looks like the finish will look different from the original drawings. Seems to be more of these plain metal panels than the louvres in the picture at the top of my blog, but not really clear until the scaffolding comes down.

And a couple of photos from Darling Harbour. The large scale of the new Exhibition and Convention Centre is surprising. It looks like it is being build over Darling Drive (which is currently closed), making the road into a tunnel alongside the rail track. I guess it's a clever use of space.

Below is what looks like the new Entertainment Centre. It's massive. There's no doubt that the new buildings in Darling Harbour are far bigger than the ones they took down. While this is good for activity and business in the area, I hope the scale is not overwhelming, leaving enough open area.

1 comment:

  1. Cool. That's our apartment in your photo's, middle level with the balcony on the corner. The window you can see through into the bedroom cupboard is a suprise and a bonus, it's not on the original plans when we bought the place!

    Thanks again Elana.

