Wednesday, 17 September 2014

It's all happening in Pyrmont, even the crazy ideas

Everything from the interesting to the plain crazy in the news this week about Pyrmont.

First came the news that major business, government and tourist committees were discussing the concept of a 'Western Harbour Precinct', a coordinated plan for the area to the west of the Harbour Bridge. There is so much happening, especially with Barangaroo, Darling Harbour and the Bay Precinct around the Fish Markets, that a unified vision was needed. Sounds like a good idea, and good to see both Wentworth Park and the Sydney Fish Market included.

This shows again how much is happening around Harbour Mill.

But then we had the weirdest proposal that I don't think has any chance: a cable car linking Pyrmont directly to Barangaroo. What a hoot! Rip down the monorail and put a cable car in its place.

What do you think? Would you like to see a cable car from Pyrmont? I doubt the cost can be justified.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elana!

    Thought you might like to know that the cable car proposal was in the Tele 9th May 2015; John Lehmann:

    Sky-High Stakes
    Pyrmont's The Star casino hotel complex could have a high-seed cable car station on its roof under a plan gathering pace. Skytrain enthusiast Peter Hiland and Malcolm Moir have scoped out a route running from Rozelle Bay via White Bay cruise ship terminal onto Pyrmont, then Barangaroo. The Star building would make an ideal landing point, with plans being drawn up for an external lift to take passengers to the roof. Lucy Turnbull's Committee for Sydney is taking the congestion-busting project seriously, as is Ann Sherry's Carnival cruise line.

    Overall, I'm not opposed to increasing travel route options, so long as it's planned and created in a sustainable manner with all concerned. For HM residents, a route going to Barangaroo or Balmain East is pretty exceptional.
