Friday, 1 January 2016

Update on access and paving around HM

Here's an update on three access/paving/stairs/lifts issues around the building.

1. Lift to the light rail

Lift access to the light rail remains closed, and it's not clear why. David from Ceerose told us everything is finished as far as they are concerned, they have done what the Council requested. But Council wrote this letter to us a few days ago:

"Reference is made to your query in relation to the lift at 280 Jones Street, Pyrmont.

I have spoken with Council’s Public Domain department and they have indicated that they are awaiting information from the developer to ensure that the lift, and access to the light rail system is safe prior to it being used.

In this regard Council is unable to advise when the lift will be open to the public, it is envisaged to be early next year however. If you require an update with the lift in the new year please contact Council’s Public Domain section."

This needs ongoing follow up until someone takes responsibility for approving the lift, or we could be without access for a long time. Just do it!

2. Paving onto the Harris Street bridge to Darling Harbour

Better news here. 

Anyone who has walked to Darling Harbour, past the park on Fig Lane and over the Harris Street bridge, will know what an eye-sore and uneven surface the bitumen/paving is. 

Council has contracted the work to replace the bitumen with pavers, and we have spoken to the paving company. Work will begin as soon as they return to work in early January. It will make access a lot smoother and improve the appearance.

3. Completion of lift access into Darling Harbour without steps

Again, some better news. We've previously written about the annoying steps built by Lend Lease near the new lift in DH. In heated discussions with the person in charge of the DH project, he assures us that as soon as they return to work on 4 January, they will make this the first job, as long as it's is not raining. We'll be glad to see these steps gone.

Doesn't look like much but they're enough to prevent many people accessing the lift and DH.

Finally, does anyone feel the doors to the apartments are too difficult to open? We've gone online to check how the door closer works, but cannot make find a way to make opening easier.

Unfortunately, Novas is closed until the middle of January. Has anyone worked out how to make the adjustment?